Q & A

This is just a quick update on some common questions that several people have asked about. Josie’s surgery will be early this Friday morning. Erin, Josie and I have to be at the hospital at 6 AM. Her surgery will take place at Mercy.

The other most common question tends to be about the mask that Josie will have to wear afterwards. The mask is the same type of material that burn victims wear to cover up their wounds. It is almost like a heavy duty panty-hose material. The mask will slip on over her head and has a zipper in the back. It is very tight and constricting. It is believed by constricting the area that this will help with the swelling after the surgery and discourage any more fatty growth. When Josie tried it on during the fitting she did not like it at all. We are hoping that over time she will get used to it. Due to the zipper she will have to have her hair cut short, which is disappointing because her hair was really starting to grow. The doctors feel that she should wear it 3-4 months after the surgery. She will only have to wear it during the day and can take it off to eat, bathe, and sleep.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to post them, email them or just ask. We don’t mind answering them at all. This condition is so unique and rare that there are some questions that we can’t answer and even the doctors can’t answer, but we are happy to share what we do know.

Oh and again, thank you for everyone’s support, thoughts and prayers. We have been amazed by the amount of response we have had. It makes us realize just how lucky we are.



  1. Hey guys! Good thoughts and many prayers headed your way! Hang in there - lots of people are cheering on little Josie.

  2. Dave and Erin,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Best wishes to Josie, I hope she gets used to the mask quickly. Take care!

    Scott and Brady Fuller

  3. To Josie's family,
    My name is Sarah Friesth. I am Sam Lemberg's aunt. As you know, Sam is going through the same thing as Josie. I want you to know my prayers are with you all. I am so thankful for Dr. Franks and all he is doing for Josie and Sam. You have a beautiful little girl.
    Here's to a speedy recovery for both of our babies!


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