Coming Home...
Our bags are packed, our room is clean & now we just hurry up and wait until it's time to go home. Our flight isn't until 7 so I'll post a few of our adventures from the past couple days...
Our friend from home was in the city for his job, so we arranged to meet up Sunday. His friendly, familiar face was just what we (I) needed and I know I talked so much that he really didn't get too many words in edge-wise. He absolutely spoiled us by taking us to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. His visit was hands down the high-light of this trip.

We went to the clinic early this morning and again left with the drain still in. They said her forehead looks "perfect", her incision looks great, her drain amounts are going down, but Dr. Waner said he'd like to be cautious & leave it in for a few more days. We are a-okay with his decision. We found a soft head band yesterday that protects her incision & drain tube, it is much cooler than the winter hat she has been choosing to wear.
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