We are on the last leg of this marathon stay! Now that its almost over I can say that it has gone by fairly quick. Josie and I said a sad good-bye to Dave on Sunday as he left for home. Josie was actually okay with dad heading home, but I was the sad, weepy mess. I've been missing Brooks and Millie terribly and to watch Dave head home to them was bittersweet. I know I would have been just as upset leaving Josie if the roles were reversed, it was just a day I had to get through I guess. Josie helped to pull me out of my slump at dinner that night and we made a pact that we'd make the most of the remainder of our time here.
5 days after surgery, her eye was trying to peak out |
Monday morning Josie and I woke early and headed back to the hospital to have her suture and drain removed. Josie had nearly 70 sutures that stretched from her inner lower eye lid across her temple and down below her jaw. In order for her doctors to remove that many sutures and have her remain still they needed to sedate her. Unfortunately with Josie when she is sedated multiple times so close together she tends to wake up not so happy. Last Monday after surgery she was a sleeping angel that woke up very gradually, this Monday after the sutures came out the gloves were off and she was ready to fight. She was extremely agitated and unconsolable for about a half hour and then fell back to sleep. . .2 1/2 hours later she came back to me as her happy self. She giggled on the walk back to the house as I told her the story of her trying to kick the nurse. Silly kid:)
8 days after surgery, stitches and drain out |
I asked Josie today how she'd like to celebrate being free from her drain and she very quickly responded the zoo, so that's exactly how we spent our time, the Central Park zoo. On our walk home this afternoon Josie spotted a play area in Central Park that she hadn't explored yet so weather permitting that is on the agenda for tomorrow. Where we are staying is about 7-8 blocks from Central Park and 2 blocks from the East river so we have lots of great places to visit within walking distance. We love the gelato from the Sweet Shop that is across the street, the owners are as charming as our own small town store owners. Josie discovered a toy store on our walk to the park that she's now visited twice. We really have enjoyed the new neighborhood we are in; its more residential (quieter), has tons close by, and it feels more like an actual neighborhood than where we were. Its funny to me that in 15 short days Josie has become quite good at knowing when to "jaywalk" at intersections and navigating our neighborhood. I joked with Dave that she'll probably move out here when she's grown, its going to feel like a second home to her.
Central Park Zoo |
As you can see from the pictures Josie has continued to heal and change. She still has a lot of swelling & bruising but despite all that we think she looks amazing. It has been the biggest reward to get to watch her study herself in the mirror and to see her excitement in what she sees. Painted on the walls here are a lot of great quotes but one that really resonates with me is from Kim Hill, it reads "At the time I didn't enjoy being sick. But I'm glad I did get sick, because through my suffering, a great thing has come of it." I firmly believe that God has big plans for Josie and that all of her hurt and all of her experiences are helping to mold her into who she is meant to be. Josie mentioned several times leading up to this surgery that she just wishes she was "normal" and my response to her has been "why be "normal" when you can be extraordinary? Normal is boring. Be the amazing person you were meant to be." I pray that she holds onto that. We all need to hold onto that, myself included. I've started to ramble, so for everyone's sake I will stop here and say good-night.
Tonight (9 days after surgery) |
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