The Wait

Well here we sit and wait. Josie went under anethesia around 2:30 p.m. We were at the hospital this morning at 10 and were called back to pre-op around 10:30. Then we waited, and we waited, and we waited. Josie was a trooper, she drained the battery in my cell phone playing Angry Birds and Where's my Water? I think Dr. Waner had to work another child in ahead of us, which we happens. But poor Josie was getting so restless by the time they came in and told her they were ready. She was hungry and said she just wanted to get it over with. She marched down the hall to the operating room like she was taking care of business. She sat on my lap just like last time and played the game with the doctor and went under quickly. She makes everything seem so easy and matter-of-fact. Brooks, if you're reading this...Josie was player one and she won again, buddy! 2-for-2! :)

I went to visit Sam and his parents briefly this morning. He is doing well! He's such a brave little guy:) Kati texted earlier to let us know that Sam was released and that he is eating and drinking and in good spirits. Such a relief!

This time has been easier on Dave and I just knowing what to expect, but the nerves don't go away. Waiting is the hardest part. We'll be so glad to have her back. We are not for sure what to expect for the length of this surgery. We are expecting it to be as long and possibly longer than the last surgery (which was 5 hrs). If we get any updates I'll try to post things as we hear. I really don't expect to hear anything until after 6, maybe 7 o'clock tonight (eastern time). Until then, keep praying!


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