This is an adorable picture that my sister shared. It was taken at the benefit and I couldn't help but share!
After all the excitement of the benefit our family spent last week taking turns with the stomach bug (with the exception of Dave, somehow he managed to dodge it). I've heard a handful of others say they were battling it, too. It may have been a parting gift from the benefit:( Sorry to any others who took it home!
I want to share a neat story that happened after the news interview we did. A week ago Sunday I received a friend request on facebook from someone that I didn't recognize. I'm usually pretty cautious about accepting unfamiliar friend requests but this person had a picture of their child as their profile picture. The little face in the picture looked a lot like Josie's so I went with my gut and accepted. The next day I received a message from my new facebook friend and that person ended up being another mom in Iowa that heard of our story through numerous friends that had watched Josie's story on the news. She shared that her child was born with a similar rare condition affecting the left side of his face. After sharing our stories we determined that our kids diagnosis were not the same but that they have had very similar journeys. I could completely relate to everything that they had been through. It made me so thankful that we went through with that nerve-wracking interview; all I really wanted from that experience was to possibly help someone else or at the least make people aware. You just never know where things will lead you!
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