6 Weeks Post-op

Its been a busy past couple of weeks! I've been organizing round 2 of Josie's surgeries; booking flights, organizing appointments and making sure we have a room to sleep in. I feel a little like a travel agent but I think we are all set to go. Our families have been busy organizing a benefit for Josie which is this coming weekend so its been crunch time with that and we've been swept up in the whirlwind of it. To add to the craziness everyone in our house has had colds. Despite the runny nose, Josie is doing very well! Her smile isn't 100% yet, but it is there and I see it slowly coming back.
Kind of a neat bit of information that I learned this morning... If you have followed the blog in the past you may remember that I wrote about another family that we've always kept in contact with that has a child with the same diagnosis as Josie. We've shared the same Iowa doctor, the mom kept me sane by texting me through Josie's first surgery in New York and they are the reason for us finding Dr. Waner. The crazy part to this story is that we've never actually met in person. We had plans to meet once but a blizzard crushed that meeting. Long story short, I received a text from the child's mom that said they have a surgery set up for their child on April 4th, the day before Josie's surgery! Honestly, what are the odds?! All this time in the same state and our first meeting will be in New York City, love it!
I also want to mention Ms Willa Clark; she wrote a beautiful article featuring Josie for last week's Humeston New Era. Josie was excited to see her picture in the paper, Brooks was happy to see his name in there, and mom and dad were very proud:) Thank you Willa!
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