The Big Apple

Well Josie and I survived New York! I was a horrible ball of nerves leading up to this trip, so much that I felt physically sick before we left for the airport. I was really worried about flight delays, because we were flying in the same day as the appointment and I knew if we missed the appointment we were going to be in trouble (Dr. Waner only sees appointments on Tuesdays and in surgery all the other days). I was scared of the unknown city, traveling alone, the stories I've heard about the people, finding where we needed to be, etc. Anyway, I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief today! Every flight was on-time or early (coming and going), the people and the city were friendly, and my smart phone helped us find the places we needed to be. I had so many people text me that they were praying for us, I know that carried me through the trip so thank you!!
We arrived at the clinic a 1/2 hour before our appointment and as we sat there I looked at the before and after pictures of the kids on the wall. Josie and I interacted with another child in the waiting room who had a large tumor in his neck, he had no voice, and a trach and I told myself that we are blessed. I had the realization that whatever the outcome, help or no help, Josie has her health, her voice, her mind and for everything else that I want for her, she does not have near the battle that so many of those kids have had. So with that in mind we were called in for Josie's appointment.
I think there must have been 6-7 people in the room; 2 surgeons (one from Germany, one from Korea who were understudies), a head and neck surgeon (Lewis), another of Dr. Waner's surgeons (I can't remember what he did, but had a beautiful head of hair:), his surgical nurse, at one point the scheduler, and of course Dr. Waner. All were so warm and welcoming and the best part was Dr. Waner saying that he is "confident he can help Josie and give her a favorable outcome", he made no promises of it being gone forever but did say that he is shooting for "normal" for her. This is exactly what Dave and I want for her, just to be a normal kid growing up with normal kid problems. I asked him how many cases he had treated of Facial Infused Lipomatosis and he said 8-9 cases over the last 10 years. I asked if he had followed their outcomes and he said yes, that they have had wonderful outcomes. He also added at one point that Josie is actually lucky, that he thought Josie's condition was mild in comparision.
Something that really impressed me about Dr. Waner was that he remembered my one email that I sent back in June. When he walked in he said "haven't we spoke before through email?" Something else that has stuck with me was how his surgeons and staff sing nothing but his praises. As I was waiting to talk with the scheduling person, Lewis (the head and neck surgeon)was talking with me. I admitted to him that I felt star struck meeting Dr. Waner, he said yes, he is like a super hero, he is willing to take on cases that most doctors refuse. He said there is no case too great for him. I left the appointment feeling like we were finally at home!
As far as treatment he predicted having 3 surgeries to start. The first will be focusing on the front section of her cheek, removing the fatty tumor, shaving some of the bone off under her eye (I know, I cringed but he shook his head like it sounded worse than it is), and lifting her mouth to match the right side (I was so happy at the thought of seeing her smile). The second surgery would be a "face lift incision" so a cut by the ear to remove the tumor on the side of her cheek. The third surgery will be removing some of the fatty tissue inside her mouth. He said that recovery for kids is quick, that she would be in the hospital 2-3 days and released. He said that if our Dr. at home would be willing to remove stitches that our stay in NY could be as few as 4-5 days at a time instead of 10 days (huge relief if it works out). Our first surgery is scheduled for Dec. 28th, however I ran into the scheduler on the street the day we were leaving and she said that it may get moved back a week depending on Dr. Waner's holiday schedule. I suppose he deserves a Christmas break :)
We flew home yesterday late afternoon, so in the morning we were able to explore some before we left. We saw Central Park, FAO Swartz, and by accident the Conan Art Exhibit. Central Park disappointed Josie, it wasn't her idea of a park. She did love flying, she'd giggle and squeal when we'd take off and land. It was fun to watch her face:) She talked about Brooks the whole time we were gone, she called him on the phone both days (adorable conversations) and was always looking for "surprises" to bring home to him.
We have a lot to figure out and plan before the New Year. We have had some hiccups with our insurance, so if you're the praying kind please keep it in your prayers that everything clears for her surgeries. Thank you!!
Brings tears to my eyes and singing praise in my heart. Sooo happy this doctor is so confident of the outcome. Sweet Josie has a new experience coming her way. Sending prayers you way!!