Weeks 5-6

Josie is still healing well, both her and Brooks are almost over the nasty colds they had. As I typed that Brooks coughed, its the cold that never dies. So frustrating. Anyway, Josie has started to take her mask off more and more. We can usually talk her into leaving it alone, but there are times we've got her out of bed in the morning and she has it half-way off. Not much we can do in the middle of the night so we go with the flow. She definitely has the mask routine down. She normally wears it most of the day and then in the evening we wash it so she knows that's her big break for the day and she's basically pealing it off. By the time bedtime rolls around she points to her mask, we put it on and she leads us to her bed. Dave joked that we should have a mask made for Brooks, maybe he'd be better at going to bed (I doubt it:). I don't have a recent picture to post, but will try to get one posted before the end of the week.


  1. Thanks for keeping this updated each week! I look forward to seeing how she is doing. What a trooper she is! Give Josie a hug from us!


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