Weeks 3-4

Josie's swelling has continued to go down and she tolerates the mask better than I ever would. To give you and idea, one day last week I was getting lunch and asked Josie & Brooks to come in for lunch. Josie was ignoring me so I asked her if she was ready to take her mask off and eat. Well that made her turn around and she pointed to her head. I walked back into the kitchen and in she came carrying the mask in her hand! She's so clever but what really impresses me is that she knows its important to leave the mask on and won't touch it unless she knows its okay. We're so proud of her!
Originally our doctor had questioned the use of the mask overnight due to her age and her ability to mess with it, so until last week we had not been wearing it overnight. After talking with her doctor, we decided to try the mask overnight. It's the hope that this will provide her more support as she heals and ultimately she'll have better results. She's been doing well with it so we've been giving her more breaks during the day to compensate. This has actually worked out better, she's had anxiety in public places with the mask on so this has relieved some of that.
This week has been a crazy one, both kids have been battling a virus. They've been miserable and Dave and I are not getting sleep. This was the 3rd day of medicine so hopefully it passes soon. I should sign off, Dave is trying to get the kids down and probably would like some help. I'll write more soon.
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