Week 2

Week 2 has brought us a happier Josie. Her bruises have all faded, her swelling has gone down, her incisions are barely visible and she's tolerating the mask (no more tears when we put it on)! This week both kids have emptied the video cabinet 3 times, their dressor once and the kitchen cabinets so many times I've lost track so everything seems to be back to normal:) Its so good to be back to normal.
We braved the winter storm today and went in for Josie's 2-week follow-up visit with Dr. Franks. He was impressed with her progress and commented on her resilience. He did say it will take some time to see the true success of the surgery, but we already so excited by what we see! 

One last thing I wanted to pass along, Brooks did get his day with mom last weekend. On Saturday Carie (Dave sister) called to say her friend had 2 extra tickets to Bob the Builder and wondered if we'd be interested. We jumped at the chance and had the best day! Brooks sat through the entire show and clapped and jabbered. We stopped for a snack before heading home and I think he smiled and giggled the entire way! That little boy melts my heart:)
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