
We got a call from Dave's mom this morning saying she saw Josie on the Channel 13 news early this morning. I heard from another that it also aired on the late edition of the 10 pm news last night (after the Super Bowl). We are so bummed that we missed both, I really doubt it airs again today. We heard that it was good but that they filmed Josie crying down the hall as they took her to surgery so I'm sure we'll cry reliving all that! The good news is that we'll be able to get a copy of it so if you'd really like to see it we'll have it.

A little update on Josie, she woke up more swelled yesterday than the first day home. We're sure its because she didn't sleep in the mask like she did in the hospital. The bruises on her forehead were already starting to yellow yesterday and the swelling seems to be about the same today. I know I keep saying this but she's doing so well with the mask, I really thought it was going to be more of a battle. Even Dr. Franks commented that he had his doubts about how she'd handle it. Its just such a relief to know I won't have to struggle with it for the next several months.

Brooks came home yesterday afternoon from Grandma & Grandpa's. You could hear the excitement in Josie's voice when she first saw "papa" and then Brooks. Brooks just smiled and looked Josie over, he wasn't sure what to think about the mask. Both seemed relieved to be in each others company again. We were so glad to have Brooks home too, we both commented that one kid is so boring/easy. God gave us twins for a reason:) I guess while Brooks was at Grandma & PaPa's he slept 11 hours straight every night and was pretty mellow. Well that ended the minute he came home. We had a kicking and screaming melt-down over a toy car at one point in the evening (Josie wasn't even involved) and then he was crying at 2 a.m. which ended up with Dave and Brooks on the couch and Josie & I in the bed. We're keeping our fingers crossed that tonight will be better. Well the kids are piling toys in my lap and wanting up so I better sign-off.


  1. Hi Erin, I too have been following along and I did see the Josie's story at 10, it made me cry!!! Hang in there!! Let me know if I can help in any way - keep posting photos as it is such a change in her. Will she need more surgeries in the future?


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