Well Josie is now recovering in her own hospital room. It has been a rough day so far, but I think things are getting better. Josie is very sleepy but can't seem to get comfortable with all the cords and tubes hooked up to her. Right now she is resting on her mom.

Josie's face is very swollen. It was almost shocking to see her come out of recovery and was definitely heartbreaking. As much as Erin and I feel we have been through we know Josie has gone through so much more. She has been very brave and we are very proud of her.

She started the day waking up at 5 AM and was a very happy girl. It was tough to let her go into the hands of the nurses into the operating room. Somehow Erin and I composed ourselves and managed. Channel 13 was there in the morning to film a brief segment on the special hats for pediatric patients. Josie picked out her very own hat. Surgery was completed about 11 AM and we got to see her again just after noon. We are relieved that the surgery is over and glad that she is in our arms again.

Sorry for the jumbled post. I keep starting and stopping due to the medical traffic in and out of the room. I can say though that we can't express enough how blessed and thankful we are for our friends and family.

P.S. The photo was Josie in pre-op this morning.


  1. Have been following your blog all morning and woke up thinking about you guys. Laura called and wanted to know if you had posted anything, am keeping her updated. Hope that tomorrow is a better day for Josie and you and I need to call G-Grandma Helen!
    Blessings, Mary Ellen

  2. I am so glad you have her back in your arms!!! I have been praying for her today in hopes that everything went well today!!! I do think her new hair cut is very CUTE!!! She is so brave to have went through all of this. Please give her a big hug from me & I am sure Erin could use one too!!!

  3. So glad to hear everything went well! We have been following the blog and I have to say that pre-op picture is priceless. She just looks like such a brave, big girl! I was so surprised to read that the station was there this morning! I will get a copy of the story on DVD for you. Give Josie a big hug and kiss for us!


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