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Time is a funny thing. We all wish for more or worry over how we use what little we have. Sitting in waiting rooms, recovery rooms, airports with nothing but idle time these past months has forced me to slow down, to reflect and remember my "why". I have never been the kindest to myself but before we ever packed a bag for this surgery I gave myself a gift. The gift of time. Full permission to be selfish with our days together in NY, to not worry over blog updates or fuss over posts on social media. Not because I don’t love this amazing tribe of supporters, I really do. You've pulled me through some hard days. But because A, I'm tired. The pace we've been keeping these past twelve years...we've given our all. And B, I know myself. I’m really good at carrying the heavy load and then tacking on a little more but it always comes at a cost. Typically at the expense of the ones I love. Time is so fleeting, I  needed to be fully theirs this trip.  Surgery wasn...

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